I was raised in Plaquemine, Louisiana - a city with a population less than 10,000.
I now live in Los Angeles - a city with a population of over 3 million
I was born on the astrological cusp of Cancer and Leo - it means I can be contradictory in nature (Cancer/Leos are a handful)
I'm just becoming okay with being a handful - I'd rather be neat, nice and easy instead of hard to understand, moody, emotional and sensitive. Easy would be to fit into a box and I simply don't.
I am very nice.
One of the nicest gifts I ever got as a result of my niceness was an autographed copy of "The Power of Nice" from one of the authors because I was so kind to her when she'd call the office I worked at.
I am extremely educated - I graduated from college and law school
I only went to law school to make me more prepared for a career on the business side of entertainment
I guess that makes me disciplined
I am also very persuasive - I can persuade myself into doing or not doing things all the time
I am currently persuading myself to be okay without a job
I love working - when I have a job that is on my career path that is exciting or fulfilling to me, I go above and beyond - it becomes my life
I have always had jobs that were not typical 9-5's - I've held some "interesting" job positions (I've been a valet parker, cocktail waitress, bartender, schoolteacher, Hollywood assistant and a sports information director)
When I have a job that I love or enjoy, it is my most important relationship
I am currently ready to have a love relationship - a real one based on mutual love not just sex, control or ego based needs.
I've fallen in love in the club on several occasions ... darn that Usher for making light of what it means to REALLY have love in the club.
Because I didn't fully know what it meant to be in love, I did research on what it means to be ready for a relationship. Some friends and I started a book club and dedicated 7 weeks to the book "
Calling In The One." This is week 7 :)
The activity I want to do after this is to compose a list of 35 things to do before I turn 35 and then begin doing them.
It would be amazing to be on the Hollywood Reporter's top 35 under 35 list.
I like being recognized for doing great works, whether I've done the good deed or someone else.
Recognizing and celebrating the talents of others is one of my favorite things to do - I want to have a home big enough to host intimate talent nights where all of my friends come over, eat a great meal, have drinks and everyone has to share their talent.
My talent would be to make the amazing meals and host the evening.
I'm anal about planning events - even if it is having a friend over for drinks. I have a vision of how I want things to go and when they don't go that way I don't react well.
I have an A type personality and am attracted to other A types. My worst A type behavior is when I'm bothered is to purse my lips, take a deep breath, say OK then iterate whatever it is I have to say. (I've been told it makes the people I'm speaking to feel stupid.)
As much as I enjoy socializing and social activities, I relish in my time alone.
My favorite alone activity is watching TV - it has always been my thing.
When I was little I like TV so much that my punishment when I was bad was being sent outside to play.
My favorite tv shows of all time were Ally McBeal and The Practice - I think David E. Kelly is a beast!
I've loved to read since I was young as well - my favorite all-time book is "To Kill a Mockingbird."
I really enjoy John Grisham books too ... maybe that is why law school was so appealing.
Now a days, I have been reading quite a few non-fiction books dealing with spirituality.
I have concluded that I'm at the apex of my spiritual journey - you know the high point where all of my journeys come together to this pivotal point where I grow into the full potential I was created for ... so I try to remember that when it gets crazy.
Now that I'm unemployed I'm taking time to do and focus on things that truly make me happy.
I have 2 tattoos and really want a new one - they really are addictive.
I have had 5 body piercings (not counting my regular earring holes) but they are now all closed up. I miss my nose ring the most and it is the only one I'd get again.
I change my mind alot about my appearance and have gone through many "looks" over the years - but my general day to day is quite laxed.
I've had a bunch of hairstyles too - my favorite being super dooper long during high school and my least favorite a super short cropped natural died auburn.
I love having my picture taken- I think I'm photogenic.
While the music business is not as strong as it used to be, I think the amount of talent that is emerging is exciting and interesting.
I'm feeling this rapper/singer/actor named
Drake right now.
I think the internet is the best invention ever because you can find anything or anyone in an instant.
I had a pen pal in grade school - Summer from Denham Springs.
I have an e-pen pal that I'm convinced is on my spiritual journey - Robin from ATL.
I am highly intuitive and I'm learning how to make rather allow the intuition to work for me.
In college, I was in a pageant I said "I keep it real" and became known as the "real" or "keep it real" girl ... damn that JLo for making a song from the pages of my life.
I think in her hayday JLo had the best look around - she was the fiercest in my opinion.
While I think it is the biggest blessing in the world, sometimes having a baby can end your career.
But if being I could look like Halle Berry after having a baby, sign me up!
I am so in awe that a qualified biracial man could be President of the United States in around two weeks.
I am also in awe that some many people are clouded by racism and bigotry.
I want a new hobby but not sure what I want to try.
I want to learn to swim very badly - I literally have dreams at least once a week where I'm swimming and floating.
When I was a kid, I'd fantasize that I was switched at birth and my real family was extremely rich and would find me one day.
I convinced this kid Peter that I was biracial and the bastard daughter of the bad seed in the family that owned a huge department store near my hometown.
I had quite the imagination and I now recognize it is creativity.
As a creative outlet, I make clip art books (I clip things from magazines and do layouts to tell stories in photo albums).
I have kept a journal consistently since junior year in college.
I've felt a connection to Brazil for quite some time.
I enjoy traveling and want to get more stamps on my passport as soon as possible.
I one sister, LeAnna. We are 16 years apart in age. We have the same mother but different fathers. I have an older sister on my dad's side but since we weren't raised together I often forget ... that makes me feel shady since I generally say I have one little sister.
LeAnna has a sister that is AMAZING and I claim her too as my sister because when my mom dated her dad, they treated us the same. I guess I forget my sister on my dad's side since we were not raised as sisters.
When I was younger, I always wished for an older brother.
I can't say that I always or never do anything - I don't have absolutes like that. I try but once I realize I always do something I inadvertently stop and if I realize I never do something else, I try it or am forced to do it.
I owe a fine at the public library I need to pay.
My grandmother had 6 grandchildren - 2 of them were from my aunt Brenda who was adopted. The other four of us are all 8 years apart.
My grandmother has survived a lot of deaths among her love ones - she's buried her parents, a brother, a sister, a husband, a son and a granddaughter (Gloria died in August).
My grandmother's father and brother opened a funeral home. When they both died, my great uncle's wife became owner and operator which I think rocks. At an older age, she went to school for funeral director and managed to keep the business alive.
I enjoy stories where people are able to make something seemingly impossible possible.
I have never broken anything or had any surgeries.
When bad things happen, it feels like it is the end of the world.
When good things happen, I'm not sure it feels as strongly.
I've lived in 4 states - Louisiana, Indiana, Texas, California.
Ironically, I had the most fun and well balanced life in Indiana.
I worked in the sports information department at Purdue when Drew Brees was quarterback and now he's the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints - I think that is pretty ironic.
I watch sports and enjoy it.
I think that is going to be a huge plus when I do fall in love.
Among my many good qualities as it relates to a mate, I think my future hubby will be happy that I'm an avid sports fan and enjoys cooking and having folk over the game ... as long as that game isn't baseball.
I have to go watch baseball live - I love going to baseball games but will not watch a game on tv.
I have never had a train ride but want to soon.
I have not gone to San Fransisco yet but want to go to Northern California before I move away from here.
I have a strange infatuation with the mafia - I'm fascinated by it.
I used to want to be a mafia wife.
I also used to want to be Vanity who is now a preacher. There's some irony because I love to speak at church and church events.
I've been in two official book clubs, one in Indiana, one in Cali'.
My favorite read from the Ind. group was "Plain Truth" and from the Cali' group was "Perfume" ... both were eventually made into movies.
I recently saw "The Secret Life of Bees" another book to movie. I truly enjoyed it.
The first time I heard Alicia Keyes singing, I knew she'd be around for a while because her voice was so great.
I don't have a favorite singer because I can't narrow it down to just one.
Frasier is on Lifetime right now and it is laugh out loud funny.
I was in a sorority in college.
I am a fan of sudoku.
No matter how much I weigh I generally wish I could lose or gain 5-10 pounds.
I can be a bit nit-picky.
I am practicing gratitude.
I'm embracing each moment as it comes.
I'm practicing compassion with myself.
I'm loving myself more and more each day.
Now Golden Girls is on which is also making me laugh aloud.
I've got a sip of my coffee left.