
Now What

February is a blur. I moved into my place the second week and have been going like a wild woman ever since. I'm finally in and all settled and with Mardi Gras behind me, I'm ready for my more settled life. The thing is I'm not set up here. I do work at a restaurant and have a lot of other personal projects, but no official get up in the morning and head into work job. On one hand this is extremely exciting - I make my day up as I go along. I've decided to build my own business based on my "image" and past experiences so all of my "free" time should be dedicated to endeavors that build that business. I should be spending a ton of time working on my website, continuing to blog and being out networking. I just do not feel like it. I don't have strong motivation towards anything these days. The good news is I know my inspiration is coming. I know this because I'm making it a mission to find and maintain my mojo. Today I started a workout plan - both spiritual and physical. I'm also dedicating myself to better health - since I've arrived here I've been eating, drinking and unfortunately smoking (my old neurotic habit came back). Today I tossed what was left of my cigs and cut myself off from my bad habits. I've deleted some numbers (AGAIN) and plan on spending some time isolated from people, situations and things not conducive to my growth. Although a small part of me feels overly dramatic, the majority of me thinks this is exactly what I need to accomplish the things I want. After all, time keeps on ticking so it is time for me to get on with getting on.


Karla said...

Smoking!!!!! That again? Well, you know I'm glad you are kicking that bad habit.

Hang in there, chick! Take advantage of this time and make some power moves! Take it from this 8-5'er and small biz owner, its a busy life and you'd be better off taking as much time to set up your stuff now!

Anonymous said...

"- I make my day up as I go along. I've decided to build my own business based on my "image" and past experiences so all of my "free" time should be dedicated to endeavors that build that business. I should be spending a ton of time working on my website, continuing to blog and being out networking. I just do not feel like it. I don't have strong motivation towards anything these days. The good news is I know my inspiration is coming. I know this because I'm making it a mission to find and maintain my mojo. "

girl that is a page right from my book. i'm exactly right there right now.

hang in there - inspiration is coming...

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