

Okay readers, today it is your turn to share. The old saying goes,

If you love something let it go,
If it comes back to you it's yours,
If it doesn't, it never was.

Question: Have you ever let something go and have it come back (this applies to someone's too)? Was that return positive? Please let me know your thoughts on this statement.


Karla said...

Something came back once (or twice) but by the time it (he) came back I was SO over it (him) and it didn't even matter.

Anonymous said...

I second what Karla said... and it's always a grrreat feeling... just remember, just because it came back doesn't mean you have to keep it lol ... just means you have the option ;), which is also a good feeling

enorman said...

Yes, Ms. Davida I have let something go and have it come back to me but like Karla, when it returned, I was no longer interested! But there are those times when I stress over something and mentally let it go and effortlessly it returns to me. And that can mean money, jobs, etc. Just letting go and letting God will bring you exactly what you need! I love your blog by the way :)

DaVida Chanel said...

Thank yall so much! Great feedback ;)

Anonymous said...

Always been too little too late

Mist said...

The first time it let me go b/c my light was much too strong. The second time I let it go cuz I didn't get it's
particular brilliance. Both of those times I truly thought it was forever. Now we're more deeply into the love that is ALWAYS there all around: our egos died a lil bit (okay a lotta bit!) allowing us to truly appreciate and see. Do you know who I'm talkin bout?! YOU! Thanks for going through that with me.....

DaVida Chanel said...

Oh Mist, b/c we're so attached now I often forget how we did have to let it go a couple of times ... and look where we are now!!! Karla mentioned yesterday that when letting go I need to completely let go, we are a great example of that one. We both detached and let things naturally come back together. Thanks friend

Chrissy said...

I concur with the other sentiments. I believe that everyone, eventually, comes back to test your faith and stamina. In a few special cases, like Mist described, the reunion can be beautiful and worthwhile. In other instances, I think it's God's little way of seeing if you are going to follow His will or your own (i.e. that guy or girl that you know is unhealthy, but with whom you are comfortable).

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